Jonathan Saenz Blog Blog about technology, my personal growth, and interests
Posts with the tag Writeups:

TAMUctf 2021

TAMUctf 2021 I competed individually in TAMUctf 2021 which ran from April 22nd-25th. I finished the competition with 11/35 solves, 1150 points, placing 5th in the Texas A&M University bracket, and 65th overall in the global bracket with around 350 competitors/teams that submitted a flag.

HTB - Curling

Curling Nmap First, we run a full port scan on the target. > nmap -p- -T5 Then we run a targeted scan with default scripts and version detection enabled.

HTB - SolidState

SolidState Enumeration Nmap Start by scanning all TCP ports > nmap -T5 -p- -sV PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 22/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 7.4p1 Debian 10+deb9u1 (protocol 2.